San Ignacio - Peru - Washed
This sweet, rich organic coffee is produced by 223 female producers in San Ignacio, Cajamarca, who make up the women's group 'Cosecha de Mujer', which is part of the Prosperidad de Chirinos cooperative. The name translates to 'harvest of women' and was formed to promote gender equality on farms and in the cooperative, and to strengthen the leadership capacities of female members. Expect notes of dark chocolate, orange, and molasses.
223 female producers make up Cosecha de Mujer, a female group within the Prosperidad de Chirinos cooperative.
The coffee is grown in and around the town of San Ignacio in Cajamarca in Andes Mountain Range.
'Cosecha de Mujeres' is a cooperative that works to improve social and economic standing for female members. There is a built-in-premium of $7.50 per 69kg bag that goes directly to supporting the Cosecha de Mujer program.
The farms that contribute to this blend are scattered around San Ignacio with altitudes between 1200 - 1900 meters.
This lot is a field blend of Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Caturra, Marsellesa, Mundo Novo, Pache, and Typica. These varieties are commonly grown throughout Peru and each add their own quality to this, lot to create a balanced blend.
Most coffee is washed and dried at the farm or community level. The coffee is then delivered in parchment to the cooperative to be milled for export.
Peru, in our opinion, is one of the most exciting coffee producing countries at the moment. It is now the worlds largest exporter of Organic Certified Arabica.
Coffee production in Peru is overwhelmingly small-scale. The majority of the coffee in Peru is grown by smallholder farmers in rural, mountainous regions. Because of this, cooperative washing stations and mills are vital to the processing and export of Peruvian coffee as the majority of these farmers can not produce enough coffee to export as a single lot. There are also benefits to the cooperative model, such as community involvement, a centralised body for market-feedback and quality control, as well as other benefits like agricultural support and financing.

The Mujeres Program
The cooperative noticed that women were typically only involved in the cooperative peripherally and even more rarely involved in decision making. To address this, JUMARP created the Mujeres program. The program works to improve social and economic standing for women members.
To increase women’s participation, they began by identifying barriers to women’s active participation and then started implementing steps to help women get more involved. The Mujeres program helps women develop their skills in decision making, leadership, entrepreneurial management and teamwork. They also focus on bolstering self-esteem so women have the confidence to share their new skills in public settings and around men. Participants also receive sensory training and learn to roast to help them sell their roasted coffee at a local market and to gain a better understanding of quality.