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El Palto - Peru - Washed

This sweet organic coffee supports women's equity in the Amazon.

Dark chocolate, orange zest & molasses

Peru, in our opinion, is one of the most exciting origins at the moment; boasting high elevation, great washing stations, heaps of organic coffees and increasing cup scores year after year. Last year this coffee was already great - sweet and syrupy - but this year it is extra juicy, vibrant and more refined; expect tasting notes of dark chocolate, orange zest and molasses. We are very excited to work with El Palto another year in a row. This coffee is organic, rainforest alliance certified and supports women's equity and agricultural projects to protect indigenous forests. The Mujeres program helps women develop their skills in decision making, leadership, entrepreneurial management and teamwork.




El Palto - 185 members of the JUMARP cooperative with an average farm size of 2 to 5 hectares.


The coffee is grown in the Amazonian Andes of Northern Peru.


With their 'Mujeres program' the cooperative works to improve social and economic standing for women members.


1300 - 1800 meters, these high altitudes encourage sweetness in the profile


Catimur, Caturra, Typica - these three varietals are native to South America


Coffee is fermented in a tank for at least 18 and up to 40 hours depending on the climate. The higher altitudes require longer fermentation times due to cooler air temperatures.



Jumarp is a member of the Café Selva Norte (CSN) Project, developed and implemented in partnership with Ecotierra. This agroforestry project aims to double the income of coffee producers by increasing their yields whilst promoting sustainable farming practices.


Through CSN, Ecotierra funds Jumarp so the cooperative can provide microcredit at low-interest rates to farmers, technical assistance and seedlings. The CSN project is a huge effort to tackle deforestation and land degradation in the country.

The Mujeres Program


The cooperative noticed that women were typically only involved in the cooperative peripherally and even more rarely involved in decision making. To address this, JUMARP created the Mujeres program. The program works to improve social and economic standing for women members.

To increase women’s participation, they began by identifying barriers to women’s active participation and then started implementing steps to help women get more involved. The Mujeres program helps women develop their skills in decision making, leadership, entrepreneurial management and teamwork. They also focus on bolstering self-esteem so women have the confidence to share their new skills in public settings and around men. Participants also receive sensory training and learn to roast to help them sell their roasted coffee at a local market and to gain a better understanding of quality.